The Explorer X Team
Explorer X was founded in 2017 by travel industry veterans Jake Haupert and Michael Bennett, Ed.D. Driven by their own life-changing travel experiences and recognizing that many others were seeking more meaningful, immersive, and thought-provoking adventures, Jake and Michael set out to create a new type of travel company: Explorer X. Our team crafts adventures that are meticulously designed yet still allow time for the surprisingly unpredictable. These experiences, when combined with a carefully curated collection of resources, wisdom, and practical tools and handpicked experts to support you on your journey, will inspire you to lean into your curiosity, stay open-minded, take time to reflect, and begin to see yourself and the world from new perspectives.
Michael Bennett
Co-Founder & Travel Designer
Melissa Burnside
Travel Designer & Project Manager
Robyn DeVoe
Travel Designer
Curren Hamlet
Operations Manager
Jake Haupert
Mikayla Templeton
Operations Coordinator
Carrie Culp
Africa Travel Specialist
David Jones
Travel Designer
Kelly Studer
Travel Designer
Our Canine Ambassadors
Behind every good team are the dogs that provide emotional support. And sometimes strategic ideas :)
Chief Food Officer
First Lady of Explorer X
Doctor of Bark-eology
Head of Security